An investigator from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal (Peta) went undercover at the sun pet limits, an Atlanta base animal whole sale dealer who supplies various Pet Co and Pet Smart and other retailer across the U.S. a video footage was taken which showed the suffering of birds and rodents at sun pet’s warehouse. Animals confined to extremely crowded containers forcing them to eat sleep and past waste in the same space. One worker was recorded with live hamster in a bag, bashing against a table in the attempt to kill it, hamster later seeing panting heavily in distress.
Animals that weren’t sold were gassed in an oxygenated tank and deadly poison was left for other who got lose in the ware house. For sex determination animals were squeezed in the abdomen to make the genitalia come out as to save time packing.. Rejected animals were limited to adequate water, food and veterinary after long travel to the various destinations some die as a result. In 2010, Sun pet was placed on two years’ probation with a penalty as to pay $3000 immediately if found in significant, repeated, or similar violation of the state's Animal Protection Act. I concern with the way in which the elderly woman griped onto the bag containing the hamster and powerfully bashed the hamster again the surface of a hard wood table three times in an attempted to kill the hamster and then show it‘s immobility to her viewer. I was frighten and irritated.
In addition to that I find it very disturbing to listening, to the ways in which the young supervisor spoke seemly enthuse and contend with is aggressive method of sex identification via
” Squeezing the abdomen like a play stationer controller to make their genitalia come out”, “throws them against the wall and they run again” and finally concern as to the animals limits proper to health care and adequate food and water. I find that it was