Daniella Simon, a research journalist at Rutgers University, says that by analysing 105 articles about police brutality, she found that the victims were cast as threats to our society and demonized while the police officers were being subtly glorified by including iconic images of officers and highlighting how the officer was before the shooting. The media will paint a picture of the offender that highlights the ups of their life. “He got his masters degree in education” or “He was a great family man”. The media is essentially victim blaming. They might as well say “How dare you be shot and cost this man his …show more content…
Speak up for Michael Brown. Speak up for Sandra Bland. Speak up for Tamir Rice, who was shot by police at the young age of 12. Speak up for Freddie Grey, unarmed, who died in the back of a police car after being shackled to the floor. Speak up for the names the media fails to mention. Speak up for the families who will never see their child's murder locked up. A great South African leader once said, “If you are neutral in the situation of injustice, you are on the side of the