The scenarios are frighteningly similar from city to city. Shortcomings in recruitment, training, and management are common to all. So is the fact that officers who repeatedly commit human rights violations tend to be a small minority, but are still routinely protected by the silence of their fellow officers and by flawed systems of reporting. Another pervasive shortcoming is the scarcity of meaningful information about trends in abuse. Data is also lacking regarding the police departments ' response to those incidents and their plans or actions to prevent brutality. Where data does exist, there is no evidence that police administrators or, prosecutors utilize available
Cited: Websites: Spotlight on police brutality, Retrieved on May 2, 2004, from the World Wide Web: Shielded from Justice: Police Brutality and Accountability in the United States Retrieved on May 2, 2004, from the World Wide Web: Books: Williams, Brent. Shielded from justice : police brutality and accountability in the United States. New York, Washington, D.C. :Human Rights Watch, 1998 Burris, John L. Blue vs. Black : let 's end the conflict between cops and minorities New York : St. Martin 's Press, 1999 Magazine: Chua-Eoan, Howard. "Black and Blue" Time, 6 March 2000: 24-27 Cohen, Adam "Gangsta Cop" Time, 6 March 2000: 30-34