Cassius’s effective persuasion begins with the building of Brutus’s ego of honor. He does this so Brutus will feel an obligation to keep Rome honorable. Pathos driven arguments that will bring forward this emotion of obligation are used such as “This breast of mine hath buried thoughts of great value,”. Cassius is reminding Brutus that he recognizes the great honor, as well as the people of Rome. These statements of flattery bring Cassius’s purpose to question. When pathos statements are excessively used, the ethos credibility can decline. Cassius reassures his purpose to Brutus by saying “I, your glass, will modestly discover to yourself,” claiming that he is honorable in his flattery. Cassius also presents Brutus with the issue of Caesar's honor asking him what is the best for …show more content…
Cassius makes the assumption “Than must I think you would not have it so,”. Displaying Brutus’s uneasy feelings towards Caesar makes Brutus more aware of this idea and opens it up to discussion. By doing this Cassius can expand on the fearfulness of Caesar. To do this he claims, “I was born free as Caesar; so were you: We both have fed as well, and we can both Endure the winter’s cold as well as he,”. This statement of equality revealed that Caesar is an equal to them and he has no reason to be placed on a pedestal of honor. With this claim that Caesar is not worthy to be king, Cassius tells Brutus that they should be ashamed of what they have allowed to happen in Rome. He calls Brutus to bring Rome back to the way it should be. Since Brutus is seen as a man of honor, he feels compelled to carry on this and do something about Caesar. Using claims such as these that will provoke Brutus are important and give more reasoning for the killing of