Prepared by Mopu Lab. Technologist; Kumar
2. Plastic bottles must not be used for sampling as there is a risk of a build-up of static charge and the container cannot be earthed to ground. Crude oil samples can only be sampled into earthed steel sampling containers. Earth leads must be used to reduce the potential for static ignition
3. Gas monitors should be used where hydrocarbon gas may be evolved.
4. Wear appropriate PPE when carrying out sampling.
5. Open the sampling point and flush the sample line into an earthed waste container for as long as needed to ensure the pipe work is hot enough.
6. Collect at least 500ml of crude oil into the earthed sample can, ensuring that foaming is kept to a minimum.
7. Close the valve and return to the Laboratory.
1.2.2 Mix the sample in its original container in order to minimize the loss of light components. 1.2.1 Bring the sample to the test temperature, which shall be such that: (a) The sample is sufficiently fluid, (b) The temperature is not high enough to cause the loss of light components,
(c) The temperature is not low enough to result in the appearance of wax. 1.3.1 API METHOD
1.3.2 Transfer the sample to the clean hydrometer cylinder (100ml or 500ml), making sure that foaming is kept to a minimum.
1.3.3 Remove any air bubbles that have formed by touching the surface with clean tissue paper or filter paper.
1.3.4 Make sure that the hydrometer jar is in a vertical position, that it is free from air currents and that the temperature of the surrounding area does not change by more than 2°C during the time needed to complete the test. If the temperature of the sample differs by more than 2°C from ambient, use a constant temperature bath to maintain an even temperature throughout the test duration.
1.3.5 Insert a thermometer into the