A processor is also known as a CPU which stands for central processing unit, is how a computer/laptop functions and this is like the brain of the computer the better the processor is, the faster a computer works
There are many types of processors you can get these include
Single core
Dual core
Triple core
Quad core
The best processor on sale has the speed of 13.18GHz and the slowest CPU has the speed of 740Khz. The reason why you need to know the speed of the processors you have in your computer is because some programs cannot be run smoothly if the processor isn’t fast enough
Each computer needs one of these to be able to function some are faster than others. If the processor is a dual core it means there are two processors which they both run separately, instead of it giving it a total 3.8GHz they will both be 1.9GHz.
We use memory to store our programs, and if you have a bigger RAM then the more you can save on your computer.
There are two types of memory which we need and use on our computers one of them is RAM and the other one is cache.
RAM stands for random access memory; this is used to save applications, it stores programs and also the data being used by the computer. The higher the RAM storage the more application can be opened up without it affecting the speed of how the programs are run.
Cache is similar to RAM besides the fact that it’s much faster to gain access to; it also is much more expensive than RAM as it is much faster, and the cache of a program on the computer is also wiped off the computer once the user is logged off or the computer is switched off.
Storage Devices
Storage devices are what we use to save files, applications and other things which are essential for the computer to function properly. The storage devices can either be external or it can be internal. External storage devices are things such as USBs, DVDs and external hard drive