The Btsisi’ culture is made up of horticulturists that live in a semi–sedentary society. They plant fields but they also hunt and gather as well. The Btsisi culture plant a variety of different plants such as tapioca, rice, bananas, as well as other fruits. Their fields that they harvest their food from are called swiddens; they are not the primary source of all their food though. The Btsisi culture builds temporary shelters to harvest their fields but once they are harvested this culture returns to their boats and forests to hunt fish and gather foods.
Some of the Btsisi’ cultures believe in having many children to lessen the burden of age that comes upon the parents as they get older. Couples may have up to ten children and it would be considered their way of life. Horticulturists are not as mobile as foragers so the fertility rate has been discovered to be much higher. They see having children as a way to help with their farms. Having children is much less of a burden for this culture so their population is larger.
They have a much larger population compared to that of foragers but because of their semi-sedentary life style the population is not like that of a more settled horticulturist. Horticulturists that live in settled places have been known to have as many as five thousand people per square mile.