Hour: 1st Date: 4/29/2013
Teacher: Mr. McGee
Drug Education - Tobacco
Students Notes & Study Guide
1 Teens and Tobacco Why Teens Use Tobacco
Complete the table with details about how friends, family, and the media influence a teen’s decision whether to use tobacco.
|Influence on Tobacco Use |Positive Influence |Negative Influence |
| | | |
|Friends |a. If dont use, you dont use |b. If they use, your most likely going to use |
| | | |
|Family |c. If they dont do it you not ifluences to do |d. If you see them do it you get influenced to |
| |and encouarage you not to. |do it |
| | | |
|Media |e. Advertisements for anti- smoking and the bad|f. The Advertisements with little people of |
| |effects can help you see why not to do it |camels or celebirtys doing it will make you |
| | |think it ok |
Tobacco Products
Complete the graphic organizer with details about tobacco products.
1 Tobacco Products are classified as
a.Smoked products such as c. Cigarette d. Cigar e. Pipe
b.Smokeless products such as f. Chew g.Snuff h. Patches
both contain the drug i. Nicotine
Chemicals in Tobacco Products
Acetone, Ammonia, Arsenic, Benzene, ect...
1 Nicotine and the Body
What are two effects of nicotine on each of the following body systems?
Respiratory system: Increases Mucus Production, Decreases muscle action in lungs' airways
Nervous system: Increases activity level, Mimics neurotransmitter, decreases some reflex actions, Activates the brains “reward pathway”
Cardiovascular system: Increases heart rate and the force of contractions, increases blood pressure, reduces blood flow, increases risk of blood clotting
Digestive system: Increases saliva production, Decreases the amount of insulin released from the pancreas, Increases bowel activity
List the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
1. Headaches
2. Irritability
3. Difficulty sleeping
4. Inability to concentrate
Intense nicotine cravings
Other Dangerous Chemicals
Complete the graphic organizer with details about harm resulting from tar and carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke.
Causes Effects
4 Risks of Tobacco Use
Long-Term Risks
What three serious health problems are associated with long-term use of tobacco?
a. Risks of developing respiratory diseases, and diff forms of cancers
b. Death
c. Effects on children when born
Respiratory Diseases
Complete the graphic organizer about the effects of chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
Cause Effects
Cardiovascular Disease
Complete the table about increased risks of cardiovascular disease to smokers compared to nonsmokers.
|Type of Cardiovascular Disease |ncreased Risk to Smokers |
|a. more likely to have a stroke |two to three times |
|b. chances of heart attack |two times |
|c. circulatory problems |ten times |
Complete the graphic organizer about cancers linked to tobacco.
Cardiovascular Disease
Main Idea: Tobacco is a major factor in the development of lung cancer, oral cancers, and several other cancers.
Lung Cancer
a. Leading cause of cancer death for both men and woman, most diagnosed successful treatments are unlikely
Oral Cancer b. Most oral cancers occur in people who use tobacco, users may develop white patches on their tongues of their mouths called leukoplakia
Other Cancer
c. Tobacco carcinogens affect many organs in the body, users risk of getting cancer in the esophagus, larynx, stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, blood
Secondhand Smoke
Classify each example as mainstream smoke, sidestream smoke, or secondhand smoke.
a. Rises directly from cigarette Sidestream Smoke
b. Exhaled from smoker’s lungs Mainstream Smoke
c. Long-term exposure can cause serious diseases Second Hand Smoke
d. Some tar and nicotine is trapped Mainstream Smoke
e. Contains twice as much tar and nicotine Sidestream Smoke
f. Especially harmful to children Secondhand Smoke
Tobacco Use and Pregnancy
Complete the graphic organizer about tobacco use and pregnancy.
Main Idea: Pregnant women who smoke put their babies at risk for many health problems.
Affect on Developing Baby Risk to Baby Following Birth
a. increases heart rate d. Learning difficulty
b. Sight impairment e. cerebral palsy
c. Hearing problems f. Misscarriages, premature births, still births, SIDS
5 Saying No to Tobacco
Avoiding Tobacco Use
Write one example of how you can say no to a cigarette or other tobacco product offered to you?
By saying no and walking away, even if their bribing me ill say no because its really bad for you and can cause a lot of problems and ill walk away unless they put it away.
Benefits of Quitting
Complete the graphic organizer with details about the benefits of quitting tobacco.
2 Benefits of Quitting Smoking
Cardiovascular Benefits Respiratory Benefits
a. blood pressure decreases d. Cilio lining the air passages regain normal function
b. Heart Rate turns to normal e. Easier Breathing
c. Circulation Improves
Psychological Benefits Benefits to Society
f. Increases Confidence h. Less secondhand smoke
g. Control over their lives/ Self es-steam I. Health Care
j. more money
Tips for Quitting
What are some things that a person can do to help cope with withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking?
a. Make a list of reasons why to quit
b. Do little things to change your daily routine
c. Tell family and friends you quit
d. put aside money you save
e. Exercise or call a friend to take your mind off smoking
Tar a. stains, smell, bad breath
b. paralysis of cilia lining the airways
c. Increases # of respiratory infections
d. Impaired lung function
Carbon Monoxide e. Red blood cells cannot transport as much oxygen as the body cells need
f. When inhaled and absorbed into blood, carbon monoxide binds to the hemoglobin molecules in red blood cells in place of oxygen
Chronic bronchitis a. Airways are constantly inflamed
c. lungs can no longer function correctly