|Summary |and advise smokers to quit and to put them in contact with |
|a. The National Tobacco Strategy is a five-year action plan endorsed|appropriate support services and pharmaceutical products. Quit |
|by the Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy; it follows on from a |services can be accessed via phone, internet, fax, printed materials|
|previous five-year program of preventative actions. |and face-to-face counselling. |
|Rationale |4. Community support and education |
|b. For every Australian who dies in a motor vehicle accident more |Education and community information programs are intended to help |
|than ten die prematurely due to tobacco. Each year more than 4000 |children to develop negative attitudes to smoking, teach children |
|Australians aged between 35–64 years die due to smoking. |how to refuse peer offers to smoke, get parents to quit while their |
|c. More than 19 000 Australians will die over the next year from |children are young and prevent children from failing academically |
|illnesses caused by tobacco. Tobacco use, more than any other single|and becoming alienated from school. |
|factor, contributes to the gap in healthy life expectancy between |5. Addressing social, economic and cultural determinants of health |
|those most advantaged and those most in need. |Support will be provided for programs that strengthen |
|Goal |community and cultural resources. Emerging research indicates that |
|d. To significantly