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A Biographical Resemblance
Because Hermann Hcsse's life and personality havc some parallels to Siddhzrrthas. ttris lcsson is designcd to alert you to similarities in the frvo and to allow you to nake some Dredictions abor.rtthe novel you are about to read. Directions: Answer the follorvingqucstions. using information found in your papcrback text and in crrcvclopcdias, especiall)' lhe EnclJclopedie Americo.r.{]and the Encgclopoedla Britannica. l. \\rhen and rvhere was Hermarn Flesseborn?
2. What was thc \.ocation of his parents and matcrnal grandparents?
3 \!'hat scltool did Hesseattend and run arvayfrom, perhaps becausetredid not want the same career as his pal'ents?
4. After leaving school. what type of rvork did he do?
5. \Vhat types of professional hclp rlid he travc in his search for peace of mind?
6. $rhat specific knor.vledge did his visit to Indi:l in lgl l give him?
7. \tr/hat part did he play in World War I?
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Siddhartha Ifsson I Handout I (page 2) 8. What important event took place in Hesse'slife in 1923?
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9. Name two themes that Hesse used repeatedly in his wriling'
and experiencesyou l0_ Reviervyour answers. Then in a paragraph list alld explain some attitudes author' anticioate that siddhartha will have if he is at least partially Patterned after the
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Siddharth?r Lcsson 2 Handout 2 {page1)
Siddhartha, the Brahmin puzzlcd, In chapter I 1'ou read severalterms that refer to Hindu religious thought. Perhaps you ,,vere or pcrhaps you paid vcry littlc atterrtion to them. Sincc they arc important to thc story that follorvs. vou rvill neeclto clcfincthem by looking them up in a dictionary. The context oFthe story givesyou clues to ttreir meanings, but not full definilions.