Building Trust (DVD Title: Building Trust in a Large Organization)
LEADERSHIP CHALLENGE: TEACHING OBJECTIVES: Manager must win the trust • Importance of building trust of over 500 employees in his with people when leading a large team Understandcall center team to motivate ing how to earn the trust them to maximize customer of subordinates who are different than you satisfaction. LEADERSHIP DECISION AND RESULT: Manager finds a common ground with people, learns their names, changes his dress, learns about their job, and makes himself visible to win their trust.
• Importance of knowing your people and their job • Importance of identifying with your people and being visible.
Center for Leadership Development and Research
Leadership in Focus
• Motivating Teams • Vision, Values and Culture • Taking Charge
Building Trust Jim Roth Manager, Dell
Background on Company
Dell, Inc. and its subsidiaries engage in the design, development, manufacture, marketing, sale, and support of various computer systems and services worldwide.
Discussion Questions:
• Have you ever had to build trust with a large number of people who are fundamentally different than you? • As a manager, what are the advantages and disadvantages of seeing yourself as part of a team rather than leading a team? • Do you think Jim will still have the respect of his team if he is so focused on serving them and their needs? • What does Jim mean when he says that a manager should be “conscious of how they fit into the organization” and “have a sense they are always on stage?”
Background on Leader
Jim Roth is a graduate of Northwestern and has a Masters degree in Industrial Engineering. He worked as a Venture Capitalist, in a software start up, in management consulting and at Dell manages a large tech support team of 500 people.
Building Trust | Jim Roth
These videos are prepared for class discussion rather than to illustrate either effective or