Source: Johnson, Rodney. "Is AIG a Tipping Point in This Recession?" Chief Marketer Home Page. 24 Mar. 2009. Web. 14 May 2012. .
How Sallie Mae was affected by U.S. recession: This Company was one of the few companies in business at this time of recession that was affected in a positive way. With more and more companies failing and people losing their jobs, this gives all Americans many more reasons to want to have higher education and provide their children with higher education. With the need for more education, comes all the extra costs, and with more and more people without jobs, there is a great increase in needing loans. That is exactly what this company’s strategy was and they took full advantage of the opportunity to give student loans to students across the country hoping for a successful future.
Source: "Sallie Mae." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 18 Apr. 2012. Web. 14 May 2012. .
How Lehman brothers was affected by U.S. recession: the Lehman brothers crisis first began when Britain’s biggest mortgage lender crashed 34 percent in early trading. Next, billions of dollars were wiped out when the FTSE fell below 4000 and it seemed to be all downhill from there. Within the next month following the Lehman Brothers crash, Bank of America took over Merrill Lynch and
Mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac practically fell apart.
Source: Gamm, Scott. "Three Years Ago: Lehman Brothers Collapsed." How to Save Money, Reduce Debt and Manage