Bullet Boy, a 2004 British Social Realism film, directed by Saul Dibb has narrative that portrays a distressing an emotional tale of race, gangs and gun crime London. The film follows the life of a young man named Ricky, who has recently been released from prison, and portrays effect he has on the lives of those around him.
The scene I will discuss is a montage between the main character named Ricky, and his friend Wisdom. The scene is about Ricky, planning an escape from his reputation along with his girlfriend Shea, while skating with his little brother Curtis, whom idolizes Ricky. Although, Wisdom is alone in a corner shop, unaware that Godfrey and another of his rivals are destroying his car.
One of the most important elements of this scene is the use of crosscutting between both Ricky and Wisdoms narratives. This scene exaggerates the contrasts of their lives and is cut in order to create an underlying foreboding and tension.
By adding short clips of Wisdoms tense plot, within Ricky’s longer, more upbeat shots, it drags out and intensifies the audiences’ anticipation as to how Godfrey will take his revenge after he is shown with weapons and an accomplice.
The sound throughout this scene is mostly non-diegetic, a soundtrack piece, however diegetic sound can be heard in a discussion between Ricky and Shea. Ambient/diegetic sound is noted during the vandalism of Wisdom’s car, as well as laughter and skates from Ricky’s shots. An upbeat track is used to establish a sense of pace to the scene, while keeping up with the action of the sequence.
The music that begins in Ricky’s first shot continues throughout each of Wisdom’s, also known as a sound bridge, thus creating a smoother transaction between both narratives. By using a sound bridge to keep continuity in regards to sound, it makes the action seem uninterrupted helping the audience follow.
The scene begins with a close up Ricky conversing with his girlfriend. Over the