Frazier ELA 2
September 30, 2013
Picked On, Pushed Around, and Left Out In life, people are picked on, pushed around, and left out on purpose in a cruel way. This happens in two short stories,”Satyagraha” by Alden R. Carter and “Rights to the Streets of Memphis” by Richard Wright but the different characters handle it differently. Richard, is beat up twice and then stands up for himself. Ramdas was passive when he was bullied and just made Billy tired. There is no “best method” for handling a bully or tormentor. Though every antagonizer is different so you must find their weakness. When confronting a bully, a much more appropriate way to react is to respond peacefully and by using no force.
According to a bully is a “blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates smaller orweaker people.” Bullies hurt others because they are smaller and weaker. The bully does this in a way that imitates a ritual or routine.
In “Rights to the Streets of Memphis” by Richard Wright, Richard was a victim of the cruel bullies and their ways of torture. The bullies had ganged up on him to take his money his basket and the grocery list. this happened twice until his mom said that she would “whip him” if he came back without the groceries again.with that, she gave him a stick to beat the gang with. Richard swung at their heads with the stick and they ran away. This worked and the bullies did not bully Richard again. Though it worked,
Richard had gotten more enemies, the gang members parents, show that this is not a
good way to handle situations like this.
The short story “Satyagraha” by Alden R. Carter, Ramdas and Kenneth are bullied by an allconference football player Bill. When Bill is mad he is “a lot of frustration on the loose” so when they lose a game he is a force to reckon with. the word Satyagraha means “to stand firmly for truth and love without ever resorting to force.” When