To be a bully is the abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc. (Merriam-Webster). That includes pushing that person around, calling them names, making fun of them, etc. When people are being bullied it damages the other person, some even become depressed. Taking a stand to the bully could resolve the problems at hand. Bullying can result in some bad things and can cloud the mind to make bad decisions, it’s a lot more serious than some take it.
We need to confront the bully because people can be driven to make some terrible choices. For example, take the Columbine shooting massacre for instance, “the young gunmen attributed their acts to retaliation for years of taunting that they said friends and relatives had inflicted on them..” (PERSONAL HEALTH; A Bully’s Future, From Hard Life to Hard Time). After being bullied for so long, they made a bad choice that went down in history. School should be a safe environment for kids and they pushed to the edge to harm people to get back at the bullies. Bullies can make the victim harm themselves or worse. According to the CDC, there are about 4,400 deaths per year from suicide. For every suicide, there are about 100 attempts. Imagine knowing a bully pushed someone over the edge enough to …show more content…
Piggy didn’t do anything to Ralph or even bully anyone else, yet he still got made fun of. The person who came out with their sexuality or who they wanna be didn’t do anything to anyone, they wanted to be themselves and they got bullied. The point is, is that if bullies are confronted about this, maybe they’ll see how other people see it. They could stop, they might not. It’s worth a