Here is some information to help you figure out whether a teen you know has experienced, seen, heard or taken part in b
One of our local support groups are called the kid help phone. Every young person has the right to feel safe at home, at school and in the community (UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1990). Bullying is not a normal part of growing up. It doesn't usually go away on its own and often gets worse with time ullying. This information will also help you take steps to stop the bullying and help the teen who is being bullied.
You can search help on the internet or you can call a friend or even a teacher or parent. Bullying and sexual harassment perhaps do not immediately come to mind when discussing school violence, however they are two of the most widespread and pervasive crisis’s facing schools today. While the word “bully” brings to mind a harmless school age right of passage to many, research today shows that bullies themselves actually often times have a number of family or social troubles. Also, in today’s modern world, bullies may not merely shake down classmates for lunch money; they have found new and advanced ways to hound their victims long after they have left the school grounds, not the least of which is “cyber bullying.” Another form of bullying is sexual harassment, which is bullying based on the person’s gender or sexual preferences. Sexual harassment is a very damaging problem, especially to school age child who have yet to develop a strong sexual identity of their