In this literature review, bullying as a conduct disorder affecting all schools in New Zealand is discussed. The complication arising from measuring bullying is that it is based on the perceptions of the victim which depends on their resiliency and sensitivity. What some consider bullying others are happy to classify as “playing around” and traditionally bullying has been viewed as part of school life and even in some cases as character building. However recently this view has changed. Bullying has been found to be strongly linked to both depression and suicide in the victims and the bullies. Furthermore it has been found to negatively impact the learning not only of the bully and victim but also those who see the incidents occurring, which creates a school climate of fear if it is not appropriately addressed. The review of the literature will examine the disorder in terms of the presenting behaviours, the prevalence, intervention programs and their effectiveness, and the impact this disorder has on schools and policy makers. It offers recommendations which, if followed, may go some way toward positively addressing this issue. Bullying has been a long standing problem for New Zealand primary and secondary schools (Adair, Dixon, Moore, & Sutherland, 2000; Carroll-Lind & Kearney, 2004; Raskauskas & Prochnow, 2007). Common consequences of this behaviour for the victims include low academic performance, withdrawal, school avoidance/truancy, abdominal pain, sleeping difficulties and mental health issues, one of the most serious being suicide. (Adair, et al., 2000; Coggan, Bennett, Hooper, & Dickinson, 2003). “Bullying is a behaviour, not a personality” (Carroll-Lind, 2010, p. 56) therefore, labelling an individual as a “bully” implies a stable personality trait. Although the definitions of bullying vary slightly, there are generally three agreed upon criteria, developed by Olweus (1991). Bullying is said to occur when an individual is subjected to
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