Yes, Burt’s Bees pricing strategy does differentiate themselves from the competition. With them using 99% majority of natural resources, that sets them apart from the competition already. Although, with high pricing marketing strategy they propose, it creates higher level of quality into the consumer’s eye. Having both of these attributes to their products, it is differentiated form the competition.
2. Has Burt’s Bees executed value-based pricing, cost-based pricing, or competition- based pricing?
Burt’s Bee’s has executed the value-based pricing the most with Burt’s highest selling product, the lip balm. Their product goes for $2.99 a tube, where the leading market chap stick can go for about a third of the price. With that being stated Burt’s entire product line goes for a higher price than the standard market. They are trying to create a value to their product with a higher price.
3. How has Burt’s Bee’s implemented product –mix pricing strategies?
Burt’s has used product t-line pricing strategy. They have set a higher standard with a higher price to all their products. Creating a higher valued product with the all-natural resource they use.
4. Could Burt’s Bees have been successful as a natural product marketer had it employed at a low-price strategy?
I think that they could have been successful today. They may not have the same profits that they receive today, but I think lowering the prices would still have given them the advantage over the competition just because of the all-natural resources they use.
5. Is Burt’s Bees pricing Strategy sustainable?