TITLE: Introduction to Human Resource Management INSTRUCTOR: Lisa Phillips Office: TBA Phone: TBA
Email: eiphilli@sfu.ca
Prerequisites: BUS 272 (or BUS 372) and 60 credit hours.
Required Text: Dessler & Cole; Human Resource Management in Canada, Latest Canadian Edition, Pearson Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-0133125313
Course Objectives: This course is intended to provide an overview to Human Resource Management and an introduction to issues such as recruiting, selection, training and compensation in organizations.
Course Coverage:
Legal environment for HR
Human Resource Planning Job Analysis and Job Design Recruitment and Selection Orientation of New …show more content…
Was there correct grammar and sentence structure? Were verb tenses consistent and appropriate?
Was there logical organization? Was the paper of the appropriate length and using proper font size?
Were the diagrams useful and well presented?
Were all the components of the paper (i.e.: the introduction, body and conclusion) consistently well written?
3. Appropriate Referencing (30%)
Were the literature correctly cited and a proper reference list provided?
Were there at least 5 sources used in the research, excluding the textbook?
Case Presentation (10% of final grade)
As part of the term paper project, groups must make a 25 to 30 minute presentation of their paper (this time limit will be strictly adhered to). ALL group members must have a chance to present, although not necessarily for the same amount of time. If you fall significantly short (e.g.: 15 minutes) or long (e.g.: 40 minutes) of this time limit, your presentation grade will be negatively affected.
Feel free to show some creativity. You can use powerpoint slides, show video clips, circulate handouts / questionnaires or skits. There are numerous resources at SFU to which you may refer if you are concerned about how to make a good