to do that if it wasn’t for us having a great teacher!
We understand that our trip was taken away from us because of our actions.
No one is disagreeing that our behaviour could have been better, but we hope that you will make our punishment a little easier, for example, giving us lunch detention etc. Some parents have also taken time off of work to enjoy and cherish that time with their kids. Another suggestion is to split the band in two as you previously have done in the year. The reason is when the band was in concert and intermediate everyone in concert band worked very hard knowing that their spot could be taken away at any moment causing them to push themselves daily. With the band in two, everyone that truly wanted to be in the band would be in one group. Another possibility is switching one of the clarinet players to bass clarinet because of the incident that occurred during state assessments. We have also heard that the sixth graders get to go on the field trip in our place. That is something that bothers us as a band because we are the one that have been looking forward for this for the past two years. If this trip can’t happen for us, we are suggesting that the money we raised goes towards something that will impact us. Some of this may include new instruments are going towards paying for next year's trips. Or we ask that you could donate the money towards a hospital that truly needs
We respect what ever decision you make and we apologize for our behaviour. Please take this letter deeply into consideration. This letter was written by the band with everyone’s messages included in it. As you said in class we are a band, we fall together and rise together. We are fallen with our behaviours, but now we are rising realizing what we have lost. Most importantly, we are doing all of this as a whole.
Sincerely, The seventh grade band