Final Examination Trimester 1 2012
Time allowed 2 hours.
(15 minutes reading time extra) This examination paper contributes a possible 40% of the overall unit marks. The paper itself is marked out of 100, and each section in this paper reflects possible marks out of 100.
Number of pages (including cover page): 11 Instructions to Candidates: Please do the following as NO examination booklet is provided: 1. Mark your answers to Section 1 on the provided mark sensing sheet. 2. Write your answers to Sections 2, 3 and 4 on this paper. 3. Write your student number clearly on the front cover of this examination paper (see below). There are 4 Sections to this examination paper. i. Section 1 consists of 25 multiple choice questions (1 mark each correct answer = 25 marks) Section 2 consists of a four short answer questions (25 marks) Section 3 consists of three short answer questions (25 marks) Section 4 consists of three short answer questions (25 marks)
ii. iii. iv.
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Demo MMK277 Marketing Management Tri-X 200X
Page 1 of 11
Section 1. Multiple Choice Questions (25 Marks) Please mark the correct answer on the mark sensing sheet provided, being sure to also place your student number on that sheet.
There is only one example provided as these are drawn from the same textbook test bank as your online tests with which you are already familiar. 1.X. _________variables segment markets in terms of shared activities, interests and opinions. a) b) c) d) e) Homogenous Socio-economic Psychographic Demographic Lifestyle
Section 2: (25 Marks) Short answer questions
In highly contested markets, each competitor will set about ascertaining which criteria customers regard as important when making their purchase decision. Let us examine the Adelaide based chocolate marketer Haigh and speculate how a new competitor – the Melbourne Australia based Koko Black – might position its brand