Ambassador Torchlights
Submitted to: Submitted by:
Prof. Atul Tandan (PAT) BrindaBhutani
Director of PGDM
Ambassador torchlight - second largest market share in dry cell batteries and allied products, having a large distribution channel comprising of around 80,000 retailers and stockiest.
The company now wants to utilize its distribution strength in consumer products and to expand their business.
United battery manufacturers have started marketing their own private brand of blades and has achieved some moderate success so far.
But in order to utilize its existing resources, distribution strength in consumer products and to expand their business Ambassador torchlights have come up with following strategies but which to opt is still a matter of concern:
Whether to opt for their own private brand
Or take over the distribution channel of Central industries blade products “Splash & Awake”
Ambassador torchlight,a dry cell battery manufacturer wants to utilize its distribution strength in consumer products and to expand their business.
United batteries have started marketing their own private brand of blades and has achieved some moderate success so far.
The choice of the blades was made in order to utilize fully the distribution network which geared to serve economically weaker segments.
But aggressive marketing has achieved a very high level of awareness and trial usership for Central’s brand “Splash” and “Awake”.
But after marketing research,it showed that their was a need for some promotional and sales strategies to be opted for promoting their private brand of blades.
Their was huge competition among nationally marketed and from foreign brands.
Brand loyality was lacking among blade users.
Their was a lack in dealers push which is considered as