February 3, 2014
Shelia Porter
Bank of America is one of the world’s largest leading financial institutions and ranks 21st in the Fortune 500 (Fortune 500, 2013). In this paper, I will go over a strategic and operational plan for Bank of America based on a SWOT analysis. These plans will seize opportunities, build on strengths, minimize weaknesses, and counteract threats found in the SWOT analysis.
Organizational Planning
Bank of America Corporation provides a range of financial services including investment banking, corporate banking, asset management, retail banking, and credit card services. Its mission is to offer lending and investing products that serve low- and moderate-income individuals and families, improve underserved low- and moderate-income communities, and create sustainable practices for the long haul (Bank of America Mission Statement, 2014).
The company’s market position is supported by a strong distribution network, unmatched by its competitors. The company enjoys a dominant market position and leverages its position to gain competitive advantage over its peers. However, regulatory changes and weak global …show more content…
Per Marketline (2013) with its strong market position, Bank of America is well positioned to harness the growing potential of the US banking sector with its retail footprint covering approximately 80% of the US population. This is an opportunity for Bank of America to grow its banking sector in the US. Bank of America will need to build on its strengths such as its favorable business mix diversification and strong capital adequacy to cushion insolvency risks. As per Marketline (2013) favorable business mix is helping the company to serve a large customer base. In knowing the threat of weak economic growth and intense competition, Bank of America can work on measures to thwart these identified