Spring 2013
Jeff Boulter
Office: 234 Rockwell Hall
Hours: Tuesday Thursday 3-3:30- 4:45-5:30
Phone: 491-5323
E-mail: jeff.boulter@colostate.edu
Course Materials:
Understanding Business Strategy Concepts Plus, 3rd Edition
R. Duane Ireland - Texas A&M University
Robert E. Hoskisson - Rice University
Michael A. Hitt - Texas A&M University
ISBN-10: 0538476818 ISBN-13: 9780538476812
272 Pages Paperback
©2012 Published
Course Objectives:
1. To develop a general management perspective that encompasses all functional areas, and that builds on previous academic study and professional experience. 2. To develop skills in the identification and analysis of problems, the creation of innovative solutions and the effective implementation of solutions. 3. To develop skills in the strategic management process; to think and act strategically as managers. 4. To understand and to …show more content…
Personal convenience including airplane reservations, road trips , golf etc. will never be without penalty
Classroom Integrity and Policies: Students are expected to maintain highest levels of honesty in the classroom . Cheating ,academic dishonesty etc. will be dealt with according to University policy. There is no texting, cell phones crosswords or Sudoku puzzles in class. This is a significant distraction for the student and others around them and are not permitted.
Please be aware of the new Honor Pledge adopted by the university. It reads: HONOR PLEDGE: "I will not give, receive, or use any unauthorized assistance." We will adhere to the letter and spirit of this and it will be included in exams and other assignments for you to sign.
Class Schedule:
Week of Assignments Cases