• Do you agree with John Maxwell that the only ethical guideline you need for business ethics is the Golden Rule? How does Gill react to Maxwell’s view of business ethics?
A: I don’t agree with John Maxwell that the Golden Rule should be the only guideline to making or determining if a decision is ethical, as one should look at the big picture in its totality. The Golden Rule for me personally is a standard in helping to make …show more content…
Do you agree with Schmeltekopf that business schools are not preparing students well for the ethical challenges they will face in the workplace? Why or why not?
A: I believe just as Schmeltekopf reveals that schools are now starting to incorporate business ethics into multiple curriculums, because of the lack of preparedness in tackling serious ethical issues that has led to scandalous situations.
2. What does Schmeltekopf think is the meaning and purpose of business, according to Judeo-Christian tradition? According to Aristotle?
A: Judeo-Christian Tradition- God is the creator of heaven and earth; that this world is His, not ours; that what we possess including wealth is a gift from God; that we are charged by God to be good stewards of all that has been given and entrusted to us, and that our labor and talents are to be offered in service to others; our tendency to self- love often causes us to fail in our responsibility to be good stewards; that we commit idolatry by worshipping the creation.
1. God has commissioned us to take care of the world and those that dwell in it.
2. We are called to be good stewards to all that God has entrusted to us.
3. All the worldly goods are gifts of God, and we must be good stewards of our economic resources, while avoiding the desire to be …show more content…
We must resist the desire to be self-righteous
5. As Christian believers we need ongoing fellowship with Christ.
According to Aristotle- the purpose and meaning of business is to enhance a flourishing life. The Aristotle tradition, is seen in relation to human nature and our capacities and inclination as rational and social beings to live a life of excellence as determined by intellectual and moral virtues.
1. “Every art and every inquiry, and similarly every action and pursuit, it thought to be aimed some good.
2. The ultimate good for humans is happiness, defined as a life lived in accordance with intellectual and moral