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Managing Business Activities in ABC
ABC Recruitment Company finds the most suitable job seekers who are propelled to succeed and match them with various companies having vacancies in the relevant fields. The company receives curriculum vitae from thousands of clients who seek to be found places to work and link them with job providers. The company has a special department which verifies the clients’ details and measures the suitability in regard to the available vacancies. It has a database holding various companies’ records specifically job vacancies. Therefore, it matches the qualities required and the candidates’ qualifications.
ABC, S company structure
In any firm, the organizational structure is a vital factor which determines the success and achievement of the set goals. The structure of a company portrays not only the hierarchy of responsibilities in the company but also it defines the division of functions (Allen, 2000). The hierarchy determines various levels of personnel in the organization. The main role of the hierarchy is to substantiate the person or groups of persons responsible for the development of the company 's vision and their tasks in pursuit of the mission aimed at achieving the set goals (Bassett, 2004). On the other hand, the division of roles amongst the workers places each employee in the most efficient position viable for maximum production.
ABC Company is made up of various positions. The main positions include the managing Director, business development manager, recruitment manager and the support stuff which include the accountants, legal officers and the technical personnel.
ABC’s organization Chart
i. Managing Director
The managing director is the overall supervisor. He oversees the entire operation of the company. Some of the primary duties of the managing director are to supervise the general operation of the company, coordinates the
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