Prepared By:
Shahariar Hassan 062 048 030
Kazi M. Faizus Sattar 061 482 030
Tanvir Nabi Khan
Tahmina Islam Nimu
Shams Uddin Maruf
Ahmed Hossain
Abu Usuf Md. Rashedul Amin 051 128 030
051 492 030
061 829 030
062 091 030
062 281 030 Prepared For:
Mir Simon Haider
School of Business
July 28, 2009 NORTH SOUTH UNIVERSITY The contents in the plan contain private and confidential information and are not to be copied or transmitted or printed without permission of Roshalo authority. Copyright © 2006 Roshalo. All rights reserved.
Introductory page
1.0 The Business: The new idea.
The name of the juice bar: Rainbow
If a green coconut were served to you just like the one in the picture, wouldn’t you love it? It would be unimaginable to get a negative answer. Here is where we start the new idea, which is – To serve the people the real and unchanged taste of nature with a soft touch of modernization. It is only the fresh juice extracted from fruits and vegetables that comprise the real and unchanged taste of nature. So to implement the new idea, nothing can be more appealing than setting up a juice bar.
In a general view it is actually nothing except serving the people fresh juice. But in a specialized view it is much more than that. What we believe is that a difference is created not in what is being served; rather the difference is created in how it is being served. It is not the people’s view and perception; rather it is an entrepreneur’s view and perception through the people’s eyes and minds. So the main idea behind the juice bar is actually to create a prospect for the people to discover and explore the different tastes of nature, at the same time bringing in money for the entrepreneurs.
By observing and carrying out an exploratory research, we have found that there aren’t any exclusive juice bars in Dhaka city. Some restaurants, fast-food shops, bakeries, and