Management 4963
Article: Leadership
Increase Your Productivity—Not Your Hours
Many business owners have a difficult time making their business productive both in the operations and in managing their employees. Making decisions efficiently aids in making your office/ and or business more productive. The definition of a good employee has changed drastically in the last 5 years. It went from being defined as the individual who comes to the office on weekends, works long hours and always appear to be grinding away. In reality the worker who is not working more but is accomplishing more is the one to hire and to keep. Most of the times perfection can be the destruction to efficiency. Moving a project forward can be way more important than polishing the idea waiting for perfection. A tool used to give your employees productivity is called ABC buckets. You create three buckets. First is bucket A which are tasks that have to be done right now. These tasks are essential to your business. An example would be a customer service issue. In bucket B tasks don’t have to be done perfectly but should probably get done. This consists of tasks that are noticeable when avoided. An example would be your logo on your invoice. In bucket C tasks are placed here that are on the forgotten list. This list helps you decide what’s important because when running a small business with few employees you must make choices. This article impacts my business in a very powerful way. Since I’m involved in the restaurant industry there is no room for inefficiency. A lot of tasks are put for the managers to do but many times fail to be implemented on. I will actually implement this tool of ABC buckets so change can be enforced quicker and create an efficient workplace. Once our employees see that we are taking steps towards becoming more efficient and productive naturally they will follow. This is a good productivity system that can be put in place alongside the other systems