Culture and business reengineering
Culture and business reengineering
Cameron miles
University of Western Sydney
Reengineering the culture 2.
Business reengineering:
Successful implementation of a business reengineering exercise is largely dependent on existing culture. Should a business be at a point where reengineering becomes an option, it can be for a multitude of reasons, but for most its usually due to the fact that the business process has become outdated, labour intensive, failing to compete with competitors or just simply innovations that enter the industry. Whichever the case, for successful implementation the need for a strong culture is paramount to come out the other side of the reengineering process with a favourable result. While (Hammer and Champy 1993) describe reengineering as a “major rethinking of how you do business” forethought needs to be given to who is going to implement any of the changes that are going to be made to process or vision and how that will effect if at all the remaining departments/sectors of the firm as organisational change is largely dependant on people driving that change. “Change the people or change the people” ( Unknown)
Reengineering the culture of the world bank
A study conducted of the World Bank and its reengineering process that was undertaken across the years (1997-2001) by (Neilson. D, Tierney. J, And Weaver. C, 2006) this was the brainchild of then president James Wolfensohn who named this exercise the “Strategic compact” largely cantered around people and incentive. During the period of this study employees suffered what was called “change fatigue” due to previous attempts at change from the upper echelon.
Given that the previous attempts of change to the World Bank, the culture within could
References: I. Flamholtz, Growing Pains: How to Make the Transition from an Entrepreneurship to a Professionally Managed Firm, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1990. II. III. IV. Majed .A,Mohamed.Z Business process management Journal,Vol.5 P87-112 V. VI. Towers, Stephen. Business process re-engineering: a practical handbook for executives. 1994. VII. Motwani, Jaideep, et al. "Business process reengineering: a theoretical framework and an integrated model." International Journal of Operations & Production Management 18.9/10 (1998): 964-977.