University of Phoenix
Business Research 351
April 01, 2013
Business Research Ethics Article
This article explains why it is important for banks to have good ethics. The banks have an ethical responsibility to the government, the shareholders, and the people they serve. Communities have a history on trusting the banks to loan money to responsible parties. The banker’s role is one of stewardship based on trust (Green, C F 1989). The banks major responsibility is to trust our government, customer’s shareholders, and management staff to be ethical in their decisions. In this article, they discussed how ethical issues have an impact on managing for the longer term. There first question asked was when a company lies does an individual or company have an ethical responsibility to report any bad conduct to that individual. The answer to that question is yes, they have a responsibility to report any illegal actions. The laws of a LLC still hold companies accountable for what they do and banks are held accountable for what they do. A company can only go forward doing bad business for a short time before they start to collapse, and what I mean be that is if a company lies, cheats and steals form the people they will certainly be discovered. Therefore, the article tells us that in the end, even though it might be more effort for the company, (the banks) the company who does well ethically will stay in business. Having said that we have to acknowledge that money is a sticky business and business to make money.
Therefore, as the markets open up through deregulation the World Wide Web and its technology will replace the face-to-face contact. Now deregulation just means that companies can trade and sell in markets that were closed to them in the past. Currently we have a single person working for a company doing both the selling and buying for us where it used to be stockbrokers and jobbers but with the new laws they have now
References: Green, C F Journal of Business Ethics; Aug 1989; 8, 8; ProQuest pg. 631 Cooper, D. & Schindler, P. (2011). Business Research Methods (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.