What is strategy? Strategy is a general, detailed plan of action, encompassing a long period of time, to achieve a complicated goal. Strategy, as a way of action, become necessary in a situation when for the direct achievement of the main goal, the available resources are not enough. The task of strategy is an efficient use of the available resources for the achievement of the main goal. There are many strategies can be used by firm such as international strategy, multi-domestic strategy, transnational strategy, global strategy and so on. The Domino’s pizza had used some strategies which are marketing strategy, new pricing strategy and multi-domestic strategy.
Firstly, marketing strategy is stand from a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its resources on the optimal opportunities with the goals of increasing sales and achieving a sustainable competitive advantage. Marketing strategy includes all basic and long-term activities in the field of marketing that deal with the analysis of the strategy initial situation of company and the formulation, evaluation and selection of market-oriented strategies and therefore contributes to the goals of the company and its marketing objectives.
Second, new pricing strategy refers to the method companies uses to price their products and services. Almost all companies, large or small, base the price of their products and services on production, labor and advertising expenses and then add on a certain percentage so they can make a profit. There are several different pricing strategies, such as penetration, price skimming, discount pricing, product life cycle pricing and competitive pricing.
Thirdly, multi-domestic strategy is a strategy in which operating decisions are decentralized to each country to enhance local responsiveness. Organizationally there are typically subsidiaries, franchises, or joint ventures with substantial