Printing Ltd, providing document storage services to Northern Complete Insurance, accept a printing contract with General Printing Services Inc and expanding the warehouse space. It is …show more content…
Specifically, this report will include an analysis of the current situation, identification of major issues, analysis of alternatives to address the major issues, a recommended course of action and implementation plan.
Situational Analysis Mission Statement The mission statement of Delfa was reviewed and re-approved in January of 2008. It is as follows: "Working in partnership with suppliers and customers, Delfa Printing Ltd. helps
Canadian organizations of all sizes succeed by providing them with a wide range of high-quality printing and document management services at competitive prices" Stakeholder Preferences Tom Delfino:
- believes printing will always be a major contributor to the Canadian economy
- believes that Delfa should continually strive to find new growth opportunities in the printing industry
- believes profits are maximized by keeping the high-volume offset printers running continuously - believes in establishing long term relationships with large customers Chris