To achieve a Pass you must be able to show that you can; Interpret the contents of a trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet for a selected company. P5 Illustrate the financial state of a given business. P7
For a Merit you must also; Interpret the contents of a trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet for a selected company explaining how accounting ratios can be used to monitor the financial performance of the organisation. M3
For a Distinction you must also; Evaluate the adequacy of accounting ratios as a means of monitoring the state of the business in a selected organisation, using examples. D2
To achieve a Pass you must be able to show that you can; Interpret the contents of a trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet for a selected company. P5 Illustrate the financial state of a given business. P7
For a Merit you must also; Interpret the contents of a trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet for a selected company explaining how accounting ratios can be used to monitor the financial performance of the organisation. M3
For a Distinction you must also; Evaluate the adequacy of accounting ratios as a means of monitoring the state of the business in a selected organisation, using examples. D2
Portfolio Assignment 4
This assignment should be completed by …………………………………….
This assignment should be completed by …………………………………….
Name …………………………………………………………………………….
Name …………………………………………………………………………….
I declare this submission to be all my own work………………………………………
I declare this submission to be all my own work………………………………………
Learner Comments
Learner Comments
Domestic Dog Homes specialises in supplying pet bedding for dogs in a range of sizes from miniature to giant dog size. They also cater for all ages, i.e. puppies to mature dogs. They stock innovative items such as dog tents for owners who