Content 2
Part 1. Executive summary. 3
Part 2. Description of product/service. 4
Part 3. Market analyses. 5
Part 4. Strategy and Implementation 8
Part 5. Management summary. 10
Part 6. Financial plan. 13
Bibliography 14
Appendix 1. Job description
Part 1.Executive summary.
General description
The purpose of this coursework is to describe the beverage producing company “Pivovarova Co” with the productivity of 120000 hectoliters per year. The trademark of the product is “Tashkent city”.
The field of company’s operation is brewery industry. The main reason for creating this company is to provide both Uzbek and Russian consumers with less expensive but more qualitative beer by means of using the modern west technologies. The type of ownership of the company is Joint venture with attraction of foreign investments. The company produces wide range of products of mass consumption in brewery industry. The location of the factory will be in the territory of aggregation factory at the SabirRakhimov district in Tashkent city.
The major advantages of choosing a territory of the factory are maintained by the following arguments: - Availability of not completely constructed building decreases the costs and period of construction. - Availability of engineering communications required for exploitation of the factory. - Availability of the developed transport infrastructure - Developed social infrastructure - Availability of qualified workforce.
The company plans to get finances the following way. The finances will be acquired from Russian and English investor. As it is a joint stock 25 % will be devoted to Russian investors, other 24 % will be to English investors and the rest 51% will belong to the company.
As the company attracts foreign investments, for fulfillment of its responsibility towards Russian and English investors, the
Bibliography: Center of Legal Information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, (2010) [online] Available from: [Accessed 4 April 2011] Government portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan, (2010) [online] Available from: [Accessed 21 March 2011] Legal rights and guarantees to foreign investors, tax benefits in the republic of Uzbekistan, (2010) [online] Available from: [Accessed 28 March2011] Study corporate social responsibility, (2010) [online] Available from: [Accessed 10 April 2011]