There are donors selling their organ(s) to gain profits. Basically, it is the poor who could use the money and thus, selling the organ(s) to the rich. The wealthier buyers would have the upper hand and can easily secure themselves an organ. Indeed it could help save the lives of the rich but how about the poor? Not only do the lives of the rich matter, but generally the lives of all patients who are suffering do too. Priority should be given based on the severity condition of the patient on the wait list, paying attention to the suitability of the organ from the donor to the patient (eg. Blood type). Possibly, the patient’s immune system should match with the donor in order to receive the organ, else it could go wrong (KidneyLink, 2014). If the above system fails, patients might start looking for alternatives to retrieve an organ and in this case, by the back-door option. Some donors believe that they can survive with just one kidney and do not mind selling away one of theirs to either gain money or to save a life (Castillo, 2013). The black market sales of organs has gone as far as social media where some are seen looking to buy organs to help a family member or some to sell their organ(s) to live a better life. Besides this, black market sales is the faster option as compared to being on the waiting list in …show more content…
I agree that this will be of some help to resolve the crisis. Countries are trying to resolve this shortage issue by implementing and revising their health systems. Some possible solutions include encouraging donors by implementing educational programs for the public and staff regarding the needs and benefits of organ donation. If the donors are aware of how helpful donating an organ is, the donor might trust the system of organ donation. If donors are able to empathize pervious patients’ stories, it could open their minds and produce a higher chance of willingness for organ donation (Hellmich, 2013). “Even a regulated system of organ sales will not prevent the inevitable back-door organ auction.” Despite the back-door option being unfair, I would have to disagree at some point. Indeed some will break and source for this option in order to gain profits to live a better life or for buyers who are sourcing for an organ donor. However, there is no blaming them as they might have been desperate for help. People die each day due to the lack or organ donors. If a person sells or donates their organ, even the tissue could help save a life (Beshears, 2013). Another disagreement that can be seen in Bramstedt’s argument is the priority wait-list. Indeed the wait-list will make a difference and help on who the organ should go to but she did not elaborate on what the list of