(33 Matching, 17 True & False)
1. Know what a worldview is, and also what it is not. A set of presuppositions that we hold about the basic make up of our world.
2. Know the 5 questions that a worldview answers (or that reveal your worldview).
- Origin: where did I come from?
- Identity: What does it mean to be human? Am I more important than the animals?
-Meaning(purpose): why are we/I here?
- Morality(ethics): How should I live? What is meant by right and wrong?
-Destiny: Is there life after death? What will happen after I die? Will I have to answer for how I lived my life?
1) The 5 Christian/Community services series (100, 200, etc.)
100’s : Biblical Worldview 1&2
200’s: Church ministries
300’s: Campus service opportunities
400’s: Athletics(team organized service)
500’s: Community Organizations
2) Criteria for Christian/Community service
-must not get academic credit for it, scholarships or monetary compensation.
- must fit into the framework of missions and goals
3) Location of the Christian/Community service office; Green hall room 1880
4) Hours required for your CSER per semester: minimum of 20 hours
5) What services may count for Christian/Community service and which may not. Not
Anything that goes against the liberty way. Anything that you get paid to do. Anything not run through a church or known organization.
6) When may Christian/Community service be done and the policies related. Spring, fall, semesters. Summer and winter breaks. Counts as wild card. Need to register through assist, email sent to supervisior, they approve and you are registered. Log all the times you do cser hours complete evaluation form, send to supervisior, supervisiors sends back to you for signature you electronically sign and submit. All full time residential students (12 credits or more) must complete a cser.
1. Know the major legal cases and the decisions that resulted.
Griswald vs.