First of all, it is important for you to understand that this story was published in 1937, one year before the atom was first split in half in the process known as nuclear fission, which is what made nuclear weapons possible. Also, in the year 1937, the Fascist forces of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco, along with the German Luftwaffe, launched an aerial attack and bombed the city of Guernica (in the Basque part of Spain) into oblivion.
Which direction is forbidden? (1)
It is forbidden to go east.
What kinds of places are forbidden to visit unless it is to search for metal, and then only priests or sons of priests are allowed? (1)
Any of the Dead Places.
How does the narrator differentiate his society from that of the Forest People? (1)
We are not ignorant like the Forest People—our women spin wool on the wheel, our priests wear a white robe. We do not eat grubs from the trees, we have not forgotten the old writings, although they are hard to understand.
What vision does the narrator see when he looks into the smoke of the fire? (1)
A river, and, beyond it, a great Dead Place and in it the gods walking.
What signs does the narrator receive that he should travel East, in spite of this being forbidden by laws that, as far as he knows, go back to the beginning of time? (2)
The first sign was an eagle flying east. Then there was a white fawn. A panther sprang upon the white fawn. He killed the panther with one arrow.
After the narrator sees the great river and looks across it to see the Place of the Gods, what does the narrator feel he should do? (2)
He feels he should go home; this was enough.
What does the narrator decide to do instead, and why do you think he decides to do this? (2)
Cross the river and walk in the places of the gods. He had seen signs and felt it was right.
What does the narrator say about both banks of the river; what had once been across the