Appadurai’s model: Five dimensions of global cultural flows
Scapes help us to define our imagined worlds
1. Ethnoscapes- produced by flows of people: tourists, immigrants, refugees, exiles, and guest workers
2. Technoscapes- the machinery and plant flows produces by multinational and national corporations and government agencies ex. cars, food
3. Finanscapes- produced by the rapid flows of money in the currency markets and stock exchanges
4. Mediascapes- the repertoires of images and information, the flows which are produces and distributed by newspapers, magazines, television, and film
5. Ideoscapes- linked to flows of images that are associated with state or counter state movement ideologies, which are comprised of elements of the Western Enlightenment worldview- images of democracy, freedom, welfare rights
High and low context cultures: EDWARD HALL
High and low context communication refers to the fact that when people communicate, they take for granted how much the listener knows about the subject under discussion. In low-context communication, the listener knows very little and must be told practically everything. In high-context communication, the listener is already “contexted” and does not need to be given much background information.
-Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Greek, and Arab cultures = high-end
-German, Scandinavian, American, and Swiss = low-context
There are mental programs developed in childhood and that are reinforced by our culture. Example: Libya. One mental program reinforced is honor, and that video was insulting and disrespectful.
Cultural patterns:
1. Power distance
2. Individualism, collectivism
3. Femininity and masculinity
4. Uncertainty avoidance
Collectivist: identity based on social network, children think in terms of “we,” harmony should be maintained and direct communication avoided, at work, relationship