Devin Glover
COM200: Interpersonal Communication
Professor Steven Fritzenkotter
June 4, 2012
Letter of Advice
Dear Tom and Kate, Congratulations on your wonderful new life together. I can honestly say that I wish you all a wonderful lifelong marriage together. Although marriage is a wonderful thing to be shared by two individuals, there is also a lot of work that must go into it to make it successful. Things needed to truly make your marriage as wonderful as it could be include devotion, trust, and most definitely….great communication. Great communication is more complex than most people realize, and if studied, understood, and exercised correctly, it can preserve almost any relationship.
I. Principles/Misconceptions …show more content…
A. Cultural significance- comm. culturally determined B. Social need for interpersonal comm./ C. Misconception -Self actualization realized through interpersonal communication (misconception revealed).
II. Barriers to effective interpersonal interaction A. Too much silence can be detrimental to a relationship. B. Playing games can be the cause of ineffective communication and can often lead to arguments and/or turbulent communication within a relationship regardless of the nature of the relationship.
Words have power to create, affect attitudes, behavior, and perception A. Words can make/break a relationship B. The words we chose to use when expressing ourselves to others (especially significant others, can and most often do determine how people receive the information, and perceive us as individuals.
IV. Assess personal comm. and improve comm. competency A. Assess the way that you communicate (word selection, body language, listening, and attentiveness). B. Improve vocal characteristics during communication (tone, pitch, inflection, intensity.) C. Active listening can greatly improve communication between people
V. Strategies for Managing Interpersonal Conflict A. Increasing self awareness B. Self acceptance C. Repetition of newly learned interpersonal skills Effective communication between people can make all the difference in the world. It can be the difference between a successful, fruitful relationship and a resentment filled relationship with little, to no true understanding of the other person. If you have the patience and determination to improve on communication skills, it can greatly influence the positive situations and opportunities afforded in a person’s lifetime. When speaking of marriage and romantic relationships, effective and responsive communication can also be the difference between endless headaches and happily
Sole, K. (2011).Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. (
Close relationships sometimes mask poor communication. (2011, January). U.S. News & World Report, 1. Retrieved from ProQuest. 21 May 2012
Self-Disclosure, Gender, and Communication. (2011, January). Retrieved from ProQuest. 04 June 2012