One main reason Cabeza De Vaca survived his trip are his wilderness skills. He was smart, educated, and clever with what supplies the environment provided him. For example, he was smart when he used the technique of digging a hole, placing fires around it, and sleeping in the hole. (document b) Another example of his skills are how he hollowed out horse legs and used them as containers to store water. (document b).If it weren’t for the fire, animals may have hurt him, and if it wasn't for the water, he may have been so dehydrated he could've died. (doc B) Both these examples are just some of the ways Cabeza survived using his great wilderness skills. …show more content…
One reason he would need this to survive was because some tribes he crossed paths with could have been dangerous. He got this reputation by healing injured natives, and now tribes would let him in and help, instead of kill him. (doc C)Without these relationships, the natives could have put Cabeza’s crew in grave danger. Some of them might have attacked or enslaved him, but with his reputation, they wouldn't even