Every practitioner has a duty of care towards the children and the young people in the setting. Every setting has health and safety policy and fire procedures in place and they review the policy often. All staffs should adhere to the policy and able to respond appropriately to the incidents. The staffs should be vigilant towards any significant changes in children’s and young people’s behaviours, unexplained bruising, marks or signs of possible abuse, signs of neglect and children’s comment which gives cause for concern.
Every day the health and safety check list will be carried out by the staffs morning and early afternoon. All equipment will be checked and any damaged ones will be thrown away. All equipment and toys should be suitable to the relevant age group. Staffs should make sure that the floors are not slippery and there are no sharp corners or items inside and outside the setting. Also, all the unused plug sockets will be covered up, all the wires will be secured and placed away from the children’s reach. All staffs are expect to be vigilant throughout the day. All surface will be cleaned to minimise the risk of harbouring harmful bacteria and viruses. Especially, the place where the food will be prepared and served for the children and adults. All staffs should adhere the health and safety act and should have under gone training for food hygiene.
All entry point of the setting should be secured. All visitors and staffs should sign in and out on the relevant record book. No visitors should be allowed without the relevant information. The children should allowed to leave with the authorised person with prior permission. Ratio of the adults to children should be met at all times in each room and outdoor area. The room should be enough to accommodate the children. Every children