Most people in the world consume caffeine. But have you ever stop and ask yourself what it's caffeine? what are the effects that it haves? what about how bad is it for the human body?
Most people drink coffee, tea or coke most of them drinks have a lot of a drug name caffeine
because it stimulates the nervous system. Caffeine gives most people a temporary energy boost and
elevates the persons mood. The caffeine starts to work around 15 minutes after it enters the body
and it can last in the body system around 6 hours before it goes away.Caffeine its use mostly to help
people stay awake it reduces the the sleep and it keeps you awake for a longer time.
Do you know how much caffeine …show more content…
Scientific have found that caffeine also protect from a
host of problems.those that how drink a lot of caffeine but thats not decaf seem 4 to 8 times less
likely to develop parkinson disease. in another good effects it haves it can reduce the effects of
alzheimer's and dementia. if you're on your 40 or 50 and have a habit of drinking 3 or 4 cups of
caffeine can reduce the risk of alzheimer .
why is caffeine a legal drug?because caffeine only wakes your body up for a period or 8
hours but if you overuse it it can mess up your nervous system.sometimes you try to sleep but it
won't let you because the caffeine it's still doing effect in the body .and it wont let you go to
sleep or be okay in to the effect of the caffeine its gone but too much use of it can even send you
to the can give you a heart atac causing you problems or even kill you depending in
the reaction in your body and it it can handle it .
caffeine drinks can contain from 160 milligrams per energy drink . some chocolates can
contain 1 to up to 4 milligrams per ounce of chocolate.some people don't know about the high
risk they are taking buy consuming a lot of energy drinks per day or the amount of chocolate