Donalbain: Malcolm's brother who early in the play fled to Ireland after his father's (Duncan)death. He is not seen the remainder of the play, until now.
Witches: The 3 troublesome sisters who plagued MacBeth and contributed to his downfall for their own pleasure.
Macbeth: Act VI, Scene 1
Setting: Desolate rocky plain near Malcom's Castle in Scotland. Donalbain meets the witches.
[Enter alone on horseback with sword and supplies]
Donalbain: Malcolm dines tonight as the rightful king,
But rightful king that frantic fool is not,
Had my father seen through that serpent's guise
He would've been all the wiser
Choosing an heir t' rule his countrymen. 5
But wisdom wasn't of my father's fortune,
'Twas this that was the thread to his undoing.
[unhorses …show more content…
He hath not been king a day and night,
And yet misfortune flocks his way?55
[Donalbain backs away and puts his sword in its sheath]
First Witch: Do not mislead those who see all, hear all and know all,
We know'st thou hath returned to claim the thrown.
Donalbain: And why should I trust those who deceive all as well?
I am the wiser of both kings that have come and passed.
First Witch: And wiser still to come so soon. 60
All we offer is our gift of the foreseen.
Donalbain: Only a fool would believe those who conspire
In the darkest depths of night, in places unseen
And un-ventured and seek their counsel.
First Witch: A fool shall be who dares test the patience65
Of those in practice of the dark side.
Such powers thou know'st not,
And best it be for thee to heed them.
Donalbain: Macbeth was the fool! Such a drastic change
In character could only be the doing of such evil.70
Dost Malcom's undoing come at the cost of my good fortune?
Second Witch: Thou art already asking what thou wants to hear.
Donalbain: I want no part of shedding the blood of mine own,
For the purpose of thine amusement and my downfall