Different minerals precipitation by microbes is a common phenomenon, and carbonates are most common mineral formed. Many micro-organisms are having the ability in undergoing the process of mineralization, although different minerals have been precipitated by microbes which include carbonates, sulphates, silicates etc [1]. Amongst all these, carbonates are the most common minerals formed. Carbonate precipitation has been applied in several fields ranging from removal of heavy metals and radio nucleotides, waste water treatment, biodegradation of pollutants, CO2 sequestration and filler in rubber and plastics and greatly in remediation and restoration …show more content…
Urea: 20g/L
2. Na2HPO4: 9.5g/L
3. KH2PO4: 9.1g/L
4. Yeast Extract: 0.1 g/L
5. Phenol Red: 0.01g/L
6. Agar: 15g/L
Slants were prepared and cultures showing precipitation were streaked on slants and incubated at 37 C. Change in color was visible at 5 day of incubation.
Sealing of Concrete:
Cultures precipitating CaCO3, were inoculated in LB and incubated for overnight at 37C. One stock of CaCO3 precipitating bacteria were inoculated in precipitation media also, to get the CaCO3 precipitation. Bacteria start precipitating CaCO3 after 1-2 days, at 37C. Media having cultures were pelleted down and cultures with media were injected between the concrete and kept at 37C for further incubation. Fig 1: White tiles were previously covered with m-seal, so that it can hold the bacteria as well as media. Cultures, precipitating CaCO3 were added in the space between the tiles, and media was provided every 20-24 hours. Incubation temperature was 37C. Fig 2: Sealing of tiles is visible, negative(N) shows no precipitation, while other shows good precipitation which results in sealing of tiles. A) …show more content…
It has been found exopolymeric substance are involved in precipitation of CaCO3. Bacterial cell walls and exopolymers exuded by bacteria serve as an important site for adsorption of ions, mineral nucleation and growth [1, 2].These biopolymers have been found to play important role in morphology as well as mineralogy of carbonate precipitates [3]. Kawaguchi and Decho [4] reported that matrix of extracellular polymeric secretions influence CaCO3 precipitation by providing a suitable matrix for precipitation by successive stratification on the bacterial