English 103
7 November 2011
California Dream Act: Rewarding an Illegal Act
Born and raised here in the U.S. many students, and parents for that matter, are currently struggling with the bills, loans, and the stress of trying to stabilize a healthy future for themselves by pursuing an education. When a law like the California Dream Act is passed, it makes those who have done nothing but follow the rules of our legal system, feel as if the right as a legal citizen is being pushed aside. The money to fund the education of these illegal immigrants has to come from somewhere, causing a bigger whole to burn in tax payer’s pocket; when the money can easily go elsewhere to legal students in dire need of it. The state of California has always portrayed itself as the “free” state and allowed equal opportunity to everyone, to the point where now legal citizenship does not seem as if it really matters anymore. The California Dream Act may seem as if it is the answer to our educational system but when better dissected we see that with limited funding, we are defying the rights of legal citizens by providing for the education of the undocumented immigrants and bearing the expense of increased taxes and tuition.
So what exactly is the California Dream Act? The California Dream Act will “allow undocumented immigrants to apply for state-funded scholarships and aid to state universities” (Schools & Degrees). In order for the student to qualify they need to be able to meet certain standards such as entering the state before the age of 16, attend a four year university for a minimum of two years, they must have been on U.S. soil for at least five years, and also be in the process of applying for their citizenship. What may seem like a dream to most illegal immigrants is what legal citizens might now consider a nightmare. Forget the fact that there is already a limited amount of funds to provide for the legal students, but now our government also wants to pay
Cited: “California enacts law letting illegal immigrants pay in-state tuition.” CNN Politics. 25 July 2011. 8 November 2011. Camarotam, Steven A. “Estimating the Impact of the DREAM Act.” Center for Immigration Studies. November 2010. 9 November 2011. Jones, Melany. “Dream Act California: What Gov. Brown 's Bill Means for Students, Taxpayers”. Schools & Degrees. 9 October 2011. 9 November 2011. “Living Cost in USA”. Abroad Education. 8 November 2011. “Student dropout rates linked to high stress over finances.” Salary.com. 9 November 2011.