A. What is the difference between Training and Education?B. What/why are adults looking for when they reach out for education?C. What kinds of institutes and faculties offer Adult Education?D. What are the output documents?E. How are course pre-requisites handled? Mandatory requirements; grandfathering; combination of professional experience + education?
The purpose of this essay is to provide a baseline of definitions and language used within theeducation sector standard measures, and approaches in adult learning to the ARMA CalgaryChapter Board. This information has been extracted from industry research conducted by ARMAChapter member Shelley Sapieha.This appendix can be used by the Records Management Advisory Committee to ensure theexpectations of ARMA, the RIM program students, and the RIM program instructors are managedfor the benefit of all.
A. What is the difference between Training and Education?
The distinction between training and education can be made in many ways. However over thelast decade or two the gap between training and education has started to close.
Training is a needs driven process that is typically directed to the learner by an organization,which could be identified as an extrinsic need. The needs for training are usually driven by anorganization and not by the learner. The organization has identified a situation where the learneris required to attain new skills or behaviors supporting skills.The organization drives the need and outcomes for the training of adult learners. The training isusually focused specifically on what has been identified as a gap or an opportunity for theorganization to assist in the development of the learner, involving less theory, the trainingobjectives focus on skills which the learner is required to learn.The needs and performance objectives of training are related to completing tasks or doing aspecific job or learning specific skills within an organizational setting.