I began to hear a noise coming from our ship and saw Queen Evania emerge from our old ship. Her hair, eyes, and dress were all glowing in this tropical sunshine, but the smile on her face remained gone forever. “My dear Callia, come back on the ship. This woman will not help u-,” with that, the woman turned around and my Queen saw her face for the first time. “Serena?,” my Queen said with hope in her voice. “Evania, you are Callia’s mother? You married my
I began to hear a noise coming from our ship and saw Queen Evania emerge from our old ship. Her hair, eyes, and dress were all glowing in this tropical sunshine, but the smile on her face remained gone forever. “My dear Callia, come back on the ship. This woman will not help u-,” with that, the woman turned around and my Queen saw her face for the first time. “Serena?,” my Queen said with hope in her voice. “Evania, you are Callia’s mother? You married my