Student number: 000706113-7
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Title: “A calorie restricted diet has been shown to increase longevity” Critically appraise this statement in terms of current physiological evidence and Osteopathic relevance. Pay particular attention to the effect of diet on the musculoskeletal and immune systems and the Osteopathic concept of health.
“Calorie restriction” is the diminished intake of energy on a daily basis. Several laboratory experiments tested different animal species, discovering that reducing the intake of calories can decrease bodily fats and increase the life span of these species, therefore it has been also called “The Longevity diet” (Delaney and Walford, 2010). Diet is “the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats or a special course of food to which a person restricts themselves, either to lose weight or for medical reasons” (Oxford Dictionaries, 2012). Several scientists in different experiments on animals also showed that “calorie restriction” could beneficially and non-beneficially affect other aspects of the animals health. “The Longevity Diet” is a diet that applies the “calorie restriction” method, claiming to be able to affect the anti-aging process in humans (Delaney and Walford, 2010). Experiments on humans started not many years ago, in order to understand if it is possible to recreate the same effects found in animals. Whether or not the process of ageing can be affected by low calorie restriction in humans is not yet known, due to a longer life span of humans, but it is known that to be slim decreases the the risk factors of developing “diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes” (Zamora, 2012). Several scientists, health organizations and complementary therapists are concerned as to whether a calorie restriction diet on humans could be beneficial, arguing quality of life, and possible physiological reactions of
References: Delaney, M. and Walford L. (2010) The Longevity Diet, The Only Proven Way to Slow the Aging Process and Maintain Peak Vitality-Through Calorie Restriction,. Philadelphia, Da Capo Press 4 Fontana, L., Meyer, T McCay, C., Crowell, M. F. and Maynard, L. (1935) The effect of retarded growth upon the length of life span and upon the ultimate body size Journal of Nutrition 10(1):63-79 Martini, F Payne, A. M., Dodd, S. L. and Leeuwenburgh, C. (2003) Life-long calorie restriction in Fischer 344 rats attenuates age-related loss in skeletal muscle-specific force and reduces extracellular space Journal of Applied Physiology 95 (6):2554-2562 Shelton, L Still, A. (1892) The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy,. Kansas City, Hudson-Kimberly Pub, Co. 16, 57-60 Sun, D., Muthukumar, A Tortora G. J. and Derrickson B. (2007) Introduction to the Human Body, The essentials of anatomy and physiology, 7th Edition. New York, Wiley & Sons 504-506 Villareal, D Walford, R. (2000) Beyond the 120 years diet. How to double your vital years New York, Four Walls Eight Windows 77 Walford, R Yary, T., Soleimannejad, K., Abd Rahim, F., Kandiah, M., Aazami, S., Poor, S. J., Wee, W. T. and Aazami, G. (2010) Contribution of diet and major depression to incidence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) Lipids in Health and Disease 9: 133 Zamora, A