In A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle, there is a planet called Camazotz where everyone is the same. The houses and lawns are identical, the mothers have the …show more content…
Ruby Bridges was the first black person to go to an all-white school, William Frantz Elementary School. On her first day of school, she was escorted to class, past violent mobs, by her mother and US marshals. When she arrived, large crowds of people were yelling and throwing objects at her. Almost all of the white parents kept their children at home. On her second day of school, a woman threatened to poison her. For one whole year, Bridges was the only student in Mrs. Barbara Henry’s class. She courageously took a step into unfamiliar territory and paved the way for more Civil Rights action. Even Charles Burks, one of the marshals who escorted her, commented that she always “marched along like a little soldier.” Bridges was discriminated against because she was different, but by striding forward bravely, she helped create the immense diversity found in schools today. A movie, a book, and a painting were created in her honor. She once declared, “Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail.” This encourages people to dare to be different. Both her story and her quote are similar to what Kennedy stated. She encouraged people to be trailblazers, just like her. Her actions allowed for more freedom and growth for all