By: Justin Taylor
MCJ 6257-08C-2, Criminal Courts and Professional Ethics
Cameras in the Courtroom
In the electronic world that we live in, every aspect of life can be broadcast across the country in seconds. This aspect is even more realistic when cameras are front and center in American courtrooms. Each morning and afternoon we turn on the television, reality television takes over and civil lawsuits or divorces are being broadcast on shows such as the Judge Judy Show, Judge Brown Show, Judge Greg Mathis Show or Divorce Court. Many people, young and old, are exposed to these reality shows believing what they see is the “real” criminal justice system at work. According to Erika Lane, these syndicated court television shows provide significant entertainment to the public, but often mislead them into how the criminal justice system really works (Lane, 2007). In this paper, I will be discussing several arguments for and against the use of videotapes and cameras in the courtroom and the jury deliberation room. The arguments for and against cameras in the courtroom have been made by the media who believes they have the right to the freedom of speech and the courtroom working group who believes the accused have the right to privacy (Geis & Talley, 1957).
The methods I will use to address the arguments will be to perform a review of related research material from professional journals, online news sites, and professional internet sites about cameras being placed in the courtroom and jury deliberation room.
The arguments made from those who believe cameras should be allowed in the courtroom is that the First Amendment allows for freedom of speech and freedom of the press and the public would be educated on the workings of the criminal justice system. The First Amendment states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting
References: Geis, G & Talley, R. (1957). Cameras in the Courtroom. The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science. 47(5). Retrieved from: Lane, E. (Summer 2007). Reality of Courtroom Television Shows: Should the Model Code of Judicial Conduct Apply to T.V. Judges? Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics, 20(3). Retrieved from Lassiter, C (1996). TV or not TV-that is the question. Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 86(3), from Academic Search Elite Database. Matsch, R. (1999). Television in the Courtroom: Mightier than the Pen? Michigan Law Review. 97(6). Retrieved from: Nakis, M. (2006). Cameras in the Courtroom: Real Cases, Real Judges, Real Justice? Podlas, K. (2001). Please adjust you signal: how television’s syndicated courtrooms bias our juror citizenry. Geis, G, & Talley, R. (1957). Cameras in the Courtroom. The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and Police Science, 47(5). Retrieved from Westlaw. Retrieved from